9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
19–23 June 2023 // Madrid, Spain
Boosting Future Networks through Advanced Softwarization

Demo Sessions

Demo Session I - Network Programmability (June 20, 2023)

Towards Multiple Pipelines Network Emulation with P7

Fabricio E Rodriguez Cesen, Francisco Germano Vogt, Ariel Goes De Castro, Christian Esteve Rothenberg


Showcasing In-Switch Machine Learning Inference

Aristide Tanyi-Jong Akem, Beyza Bütün, Michele Gucciardo, Marco Fiore


Demo of QoEyes: Towards Virtual Reality Streaming QoE Estimation Entirely in the Data Plane

Francisco Vogt , Fabricio Rodriguez Cesen, Ariel Goes de Castro, Marcelo Caggiani Luizelli, Christian Esteve Rothenberg , Gergely Pongracz


Demonstrating the Benefits of Service-Aware Pod Autoscaling with Shared Resources

Federico Tonini, Carlos Natalino, Lena Wosinska, Paolo Monti



Demo Session II - Softwarization and Virtualization (June 21, 2023)

A demonstration of VEREFOO: an automated framework for virtual firewall configuration

Daniele Bringhenti, Riccardo Sisto, Fulvio Valenza


A Zero-Touch and NFV-Based Full-Mesh VPNaaS Solution - Demo

Daniel Gomes, Rafael Direito, Diogo Gomes, Rui L. Aguiar


Towards Developing Resilient and Service-oriented Mission-critical Systems

Doganalp Ergenc, Cornelia Brülhart, Mathias Fischer


Chatbot-based Feedback for Dynamically Generated Workflows in Docker Networks

Andrzej Jasinski, Yuansong Qiao, Enda Fallon, Ronan Flynn



Demo Session III - Wireless (June 22, 2023)

Demo: FoReCo - a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators

Pablo Picazo-Martinez, Carlos Barroso-Fernandez, Jorge Martin-Perez


Automated Vulnerability Testing and Detection Digital Twin Framework for 5G Systems

Danielle Dauphinais, Michael Zylka, Harris Spahic, Farhan Shaik, Jingda Yang, Isabella Cruz, Jakob Gibson, Ying Wang


Dynamic Machine Learning Algorithm Selection For Network Slicing in Beyond 5G Networks

Abdelmounaim Bouroudi, Abdelkader Outtagarts, Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul

